The last week or so here has been a blast. The usual fruit picking and downhill riding of course but, more so because out of the last week, I have spent 3 days riding 2 different backyard pools which I have dreamt of doing for the longest time and was one of my biggest goals here in Hawaii. I have to be careful about how much info I put down for obvious reasons. All I will say is that pool riding is so gnarly, so rad, so difficult and by far the most impressive type of skating I have ever watched. I have no issues pumping bowls and touching coping but these are something else entirely. Here's a quick clip from today of Ethan doing his thing and killing it. Rare that he should wear shoes, don't get used to it!  

This morning Ethan and I caught a lift up a local mountain to skate down. Before heading down we trekked through the forest a little to have a look. We ended up with some star fruit and Lilly Coi passion fruit and then made our way down the road. The roads here have some pretty perfect driveways to slash as well as a fair amount of lawn surfing which is my favourite thing to do on a skateboard. After that we headed to the pool in the video above, spent about 20 minutes there (that's the maximum amount of time for this spot). From there we went and checked out a house that Ethan does the landscaping for. An epic house which apparently costs 10,000 a month to rent. I would think that is mainly for the beach (although the house is awesome too). The house sits right on the beach which today was pretty flat but apparently get's good waves for most of the time. So, we swam on their beach for a little while and then headed back to the house. All in all a rad day was had and I am feeling sore and unfit. Good night!
12/2/2012 07:48:17 pm

its lilikoi haha but lilly coi is pretty awesome too. you're writing is awesome Daniel keep it up

12/2/2012 08:25:52 pm

Haha, cheers man. Knew I should of google searched it before attempting to spell it!


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