So a few days ago Matt K from Sector 9 and Paris, Amanda Mary from Riviera, Dane Webber from Orangatang and Loaded and a photographer named Olly turned up at Ethans door. They are here for the up coming race in Maui and to snap some photos along the way. The last few days have been spent eating and picking scenic areas to try to get photos at. Sessioning downhill spots is strange, it's not like finding a curb to grind in the city and shooting it. It requires a lot of driving around, up and down roads to find that right angle. Ethan only has a 2 seated truck so we have been travelling with 4 people in the back, 6 peoples skate gear plus all the photography equipment. I'm talking about thousands of dollars worth of camera gear, flashes, lenses, tripods, remote flash stands and shades. It is cosy for sure. Yesterday we also ended up with 20 or so coconuts too, just to add to the experience. I quickly called shotgun and jumped in the front! Today Matt, Olly, Amanda and Dane hired scooters to blast around on though so that has freed up some space. I didn't hire one, firstly because I'm cheap and secondly because I don't trust myself riding one. I had a go on a mates scooter once riding up Corkscrew road in Adelaide. I almost hit a cyclist on the first turn due to my in ability to steer. I'm better off in the truck I think. 

The weather has been strange since the others arrived, a lot of rain and some really strong winds has meant it's been hard to find skateable roads. Today is looking good though and hopefully we will get some runs on the mountain tonight. Last week we headed up there for a few runs at about 11 at night. The wind had been blowing hard all day and the roads surface was patchy. The wind left the road covered in sticks, leaves, flowers, moss and some really big branches. Skating in a group, at night with only head lamps made it super sketchy but we had some awesome runs down. It was a good night. 

Nothing much else to report, yesterday we ended up back at the waterfall jump because the weather was so average. The walk is easy enough when it's dry but being in bare feet trying to scramble up and down wet, muddy slopes made it a lot more of a challenge. We all ended up pretty muddy but it was worth it. Good times.

Hopefully more to report next time, praying that the weather holds out!

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